Our services include neuropsychological assessment and treatment for adults with acquired brain injury or with neurodegenerative brain diseases. We also offer consultation and counseling for patients and carers. In addition, our centre offers work shops for speech and language therapists. At ZeNIS, we employ scientifically evaluated and effective treatment methods.
Here is a detailed overview of our services:
- Neuropsychological assessment of cognitive and psychological symptoms after acquired brain disease or neurodegenerative brain disorders
- Neuro-cognitive training
- Psychotherapeutic treatment and help in dealing with the effects of brain disease
- Consultation, counceling, and support for carers
- Methods for coping with stress, relaxation techniques
- Training of competences in everyday life situations
- Individual and group training
- Neuropsychological assessment of dementia
- Constraint-Induced Aphasia Therapy (CIAT), also known as Intensive-Language-Action Therapy (ILAT) for people with aphasia
- Intensive language therapy for people with primary progressive aphasia
- Workshops and supervision for speech and language therapists in CIAT/ILAT
- Behavioural treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease
At ZeNIS, neuropsychological treatment is completed by psychotherapeutic services, e.g. trageting the psychological and social effects of the disease, or dealing with depressive symptoms.
We also offer comprehensive consultations and specific training procedures for carers and other family members.
All therapeutic interventions can be applied individually or as a group treatment.