The main focus of our clinical centre is the treatment of people with cognitive and/or psychological difficulties resulting from brain damage or neurodegenerative disorders.
Depending on the lesion site and size, symptoms can differ substantially in each individual. We offer treatment for people with problems in the following areas:
Cognitive and psychological difficulties result from brain damage caused by the following diseases:
- Language and communication (e.g. aphasia, apraxia of speech)
- Learning, memory, attention, and concentration (e.g. amnesia, dementia)
- Planning, reasoning, problem solving (e.g. apraxia)
- Visual perception (e.g. neglect, hemianopia)
- Psychological processes (e.g. depression, anxiety, adaptation to disease)
- Personality changes (e.g. reduced drive, impulsivity)
- Stroke (ischemic or haemorrhage)
- Traumatic brain injury (accident, fall)
- Brain infenctions (Encephalitis, Meningitis)
- Neurodegenerative brain diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, dementia, primary progressive aphasia)
- Brain tumor, hypoxia